Shiba Fantom AMA — June 17th, 2021
Hey everyone! I know not everyone was able to make it, but below is the transcript of the Shiba Fantom AMA hosted graciously by FTM Alerts (Thank you KeshaV and Jetthro!!!) Check them out here:
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
Hello Shiba fam! :slight_smile:
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
Hey Everyone :slight_smile:
So nice to have you here Lord Shiba Fantom — Mind introducing yourself and everyone who will be doing this AMA with you today? :slight_smile:
KeshaV — 06/17/2021
(I can say even @everyone to wake up all the Discord, and I leave you to it guys :heart: )
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
Hey everyone! I am the lead Dev, owner, marketer, community engagement, PR… all of the Admin work here for Shiba Fantom. With me is @vcc our AMAZING artist and designer. My business partner Golden is here somewhere, along with my “multipurpurpose” do a lot of things for us guy Jmcadg, who seems to also be missing.
vcc — 06/17/2021
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
Hey vcc! Nice to meet you :slight_smile:
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
Jmc and Golden have sent me their answers to a few questions so in the meantime I’ll answer for them
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
Alright, let’s lob up the first question for you guys
First one will go to Lord Shiba Fantom
It’s a pretty hard hitting question, I hope you’ll be able to answer it
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
Bring it on!
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
This question comes from @LOTAP How will you compete with Neil Armstrong’s “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” when you land on the moon?
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
Well for us it’s one paw print for Shiba Fantom, and one giant leap for Shiba Fantomites!
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
Ok for the next series of questions — we’ll be diving into the tokenomics of SHIBA itself
The first two questions from Stremi
From the tokenomics I see “1% Tax on Transactions — .5% automatically added to the liquidity pool .5% distributed among all holders”. Could you explain it better to normal people? Does it mean that every kind of transaction that involves Shiba will have a tax of 1% on the amount? Every “send Shiba”, every “swap”, every interaction inside an LP/farm/compound?
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
That is correct. Shiba Fantom has a “Reflect” tax that gives everyone passive income for just holding. It’s like “farming” but without having to do anything. The 1% tax means that anytime to Tranfer, Swap, Buy, Sell, Deposit, Withdraw… any time you interact with your Shiba it will “cost” you a 1% fee. However you always gain 1% of every transaction, so it really offsets itself very quickly!
It sounds bigger than it really is. The “tax” is negligible in the grand scheme of things and shouldn’t deter you from participating in any farms or staking in the future.
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
Speaking of farms — You’ve mentioned before that Shiba will never be a farmed token, meaning that there won’t exist a use case where you can farm for additional Shiba and decrease the existing coins value — do you ever see the opposite happening where the Shiba tokens get involved with a burn mechanism and begin to inflate the value of the existing coins?
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
Yes! The first method is the Burn address: It still collects Reflect fees and has currently taken over 1% of the Shiba supply out of circulation forever. A second option we’re exploring is a Lottery with ShibaSwap. We’re still developing, but the Lottery system will take either Shiba or Golden Bones (We haven’t finalized this yet). Winners will receive part of the pot while the rest will be burned. Other ideas are using ShibaSwap Swap fees to buy back and burn Shiba. We’re still exploring the best way to present a Burning mechanism.
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
Oooh nice. ShibaSwap.
Well, the great @KeshaV has a question on ShibaSwap that he was dying to ask: How has it been so far, and how do you want to make it different from other ones on FTM?
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
Excellent question! I’ll give the ugly truth on this one
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
All truths are beautiful truths
We don’t got room for ugly ones!
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
We originally wanted ShibaSwap to launch by the end of this week, I hired a dev to help with the backend work. Things were going well until they weren’t, and our dev caught Covid.
Since then we’ve been through 4 additional devs to fill in, none of were good fits for the role which put us a bit more behind.
HOWEVER, we’re finally back in full gear. The frontend UI will be done tomorrow, and we’re making great progress on the backend now :slight_smile:
The dev has been difficult but we’re going to make it, just a bit later than expected but no worries!
How we will make it different: The focus is on increasing buy pressure for the Shiba token, while rewarding LP providers with typical Yield tokens. Unlike others, our flagship token is NOT the yield token.
So Shiba value will not go down
Additionally we want to engage more of the non-standard tokens, not just “Cream” and “YFI” etc.
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
ahhh interesting
speaking of the yield tokens, we’ve got a few questions about BONE/GBONE that I’m going to get into now
With “Bone” as the yield token and the “Golden bone” as the governance token, what utility will Shiba have?
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
Shiba will maintain Passive income. I like to think of it as “farming” without actually doing anything besides holding. You don’t need to stake, add liquidity, or chase down the highest APRs. You will also be required to hold Shiba if you want to farm Golden Bones, you can’t farm them without Shiba. This will bring more buying pressure.
Shiba will also always be our flagship token and will be the face of our brand. It will be THE token people recognize on Fantom.
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
Awesome — so all 3 tokens will be working with each other on the DEX
that’s an interesting mechanic
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
Absolutely! Shiba Fantom brings them here, Bone and Golden Bones rewards them, and Golden Bones gives governance
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
One more question that I have on Shibaswap comes from @Synxero With ShibaSwap coming soon, will you be migrating all your existing liquidity to your native dex?
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
Yes and no: We will temporarily migrating some (not all) liquidity away from Zoo so there’s enough liquidity to be functional. Once the liquidity is replaced by the “farmers” we’ll return the liquidity back to Zoo. ShibaSwap will become our primary choice for everyone to trade, but we will keep ZooDex as an available option.
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
Next question I have is for @vcc
It’s from KeshaV as well
Your branding has been amazing, can you tell us more about your graphic designer? :slight_smile:
vcc — 06/17/2021
i think ill let the Lord answer that haha
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
VCC is being modest, haha
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
I’ll actually let @jmcadg1 answer this one :slight_smile:
As a graphic designer myself, I originally joined the Shiba Fantom to help with this area. But @vcc is so good, I’m not needed in this area! @vcc is not only skilful and creative, but he’s prolific too. I just sit back and watch :)))) He’s great to have building the Shiba Fantom brand.
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
On that note — @Arky- was wondering if having vcc on board helped change your initial vision for shiba fantom?
Golden — 06/17/2021
The Shiba Fantom vision has always been strong, but @vcc has communicated it better than any project out there at the moment. I’m not surprised you APED off the back of his work. I’m sure you’ve seen what else he’s cooking up :wink:
Our intention for Shiba was always to grow it as a Fantom asset that helped draw interest both to the Fantom network with a fun and altruistic mindset, but also to bring the various DEXs together, by having Shiba Fantom as a paired token. But ultimately to have our own DEX as a focal point on Fantom and grow our utility with both a Governance Token in Golden Bones and a yield token in Bones.
The Shiba Fantom vision has always been strong, but @vcc has communicated it better than any project out there at the moment. I’m not surprised you APED off the back of his work. I’m sure you’ve seen what else he’s cooking up :wink:
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
Good answers and glad to have you on board guys
Golden would you mind filling us in on what you do with Shiba? :slight_smile:
Golden — 06/17/2021
Me I do a little of everything and fill the gaps. But i spend most of my time pretty much researching on how the maket is flowing and we can incorprate what works into Shiba Fantom.
Like above, thanks Golden for helping me there, my WiFi connection is sssshhhhh.
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
Golden has been helping a lot with engaging new partners and finding new opportunities to participate in
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
speaking of partnerships — Can you tell us more about them?
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
This is a 2-part answer because I have an announcement :eyes:
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
Golden — 06/17/2021
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
we are getting the Alphas
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
We have partnered with Tomb for their Genesis pool, we currently have a Shiba-Elk farm on Elk.Finance, and we are currently partners with Zoo. We want Shiba Fantom to be everywhere and are always looking for new collaborations!
With that said: We have a Shiba-FTM farm coming live today on Waka.Finance!
Check them out on and watch their Twitter. We’ll have the official posting and the farm will be live very very soon, if it’s not live already
Official telegram group for | Join @WakaFinanceNews for lates updates. (This is beta software, use at your own risk)
Additionally we have 2 more farms coming soon, one of which you will earn their Yield token and some Shiba. We have a farm on Chad Finance which requires a bit of technical ability to access. We will be launching ShibaPunks next week which will be marketed to ALL Shiba and Doge fans, not just Shiba Fantom holders.
If you see an opportunity for us to pursue, please let us know!
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
Speaking of Shiba Punks: @ribbed has a question on that topic — What is it?
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
@vcc Want to take this one?
vcc — 06/17/2021
technically it has the same concept as cryptopunks/ftm punks etc
but with a different style as we see pretty much the same thing everywhere
but the main purpose is to, as Lord said, bring all shiba and doge fans to shiba fantom and also fantom
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
You’ll be able to Mint your own personal Shiba, randomly generated by yours truly VCC
They are AWESOME
vcc — 06/17/2021
make sure to catch em all
ShibaPunks will be so cool. They look epic.
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
Ahh nice nice
Going to transition to marketing now
as there have been some questions on that topic from users
We’ve got a bevy of marketing questions from @PhallusErectus69
What are your short, mid, and long term marketing plans and goals?
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
I’ll give a brief answer: Short term, we have marketing already lined up for next week with ShibaPunks. This will be targeted towards everyone, not just Shiba or Fantom holders, which we’ll drive them from ShibaPunks to Shiba Fantom
Mid term: We will engage more heavy marketing around the ShibaSwap launch, including traditional Twitter and YouTube crypto influencers, and also Instargram and TikTok influencers
Long term: It seems far off, but we will continue to keep up the energy. We have a team already marketing to the APAC communities which will grow, and we’re adding another international marketing group next week.
vcc — 06/17/2021
i would like to also add that ShibaPunks is unique in a way where its the first ever shibapunk nft which i think will drive demand for it from other chains.
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
Anyone in the audience has a question on ShibaPunks uniqueness — let us know :slight_smile: Ask away in ama-questions
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
We are extremely excited for ShibaPunks!
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
Next question is about charitable donations
Charitable donations have been part of the branding of ShibaFantom, how do you decide on who to donate to? Will it eventually be decided through governance?
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
Charitable donations, and I mean actual charitable donations in a $ value and not in a native Doge token, is a tricky situation. Most Doge coins will donate their native coin to a charity wallet address and claim it was a donation, yet the charity is highly unlikely to sell and capitalize on this. Since we’re doing this differently and market selling Shiba from the Charity wallet and sending a donation in USDC, it’s more effective but tricky to navigate without damaging the ecosystem.
We currently decide as a team who to donate to since we require them to be able to accept Crypto donations. In the future we will be accepting suggestions from the community and setting up votes and community engagement events. Governance will happen eventually but there’s a lot of hurdles to take Shiba, sell it, bridge it, then send it to the proper charitable organization.
Eventually I would like to hold USDC in the charity wallet and not Shiba, then we can enable governance to decide who gets the #$value. This will be awhile since it’s tricky to make sure our Shiba holders and ecosystem is put first.
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
We have a question on ShibaPunks
From @Ludvig Will there be a limited amount of ShibaPunks?
vcc — 06/17/2021
There will be a total of 15000 mints
each of it will be UNIQUE
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
Meaning every single ShibaPunk will be 100% unique
all 15,000 of them
VCC also created several mega rare ShibaPunks
Golden — 06/17/2021
There will be an attribute viewer as well so you will be able to see how rare your Shiba is
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
You can also import them into any compatable NFT market and swap/trade them :slight_smile:
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
We only have time for a few more questions, so I’ll be looking to wrap this up in 5–10 minutes
But to continue along the ShibaPunks vein — Will longterm shiba holders get an early access to shibapunks?
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
Unfortunately no. We are releasing them to the world all at once.
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
a mad rush to the gates to get your punk :slight_smile:
Golden — 06/17/2021
We want everyone to have the same chance to get one.
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
That’s fair
We’ve had a few questions on collaborations, so I’ll ask one of them
Fantom has grown to be such a big inclusive community, how much of a collaborative effort is it with devs outside of the team when building Shiba?
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
That’s a great question. I have to personally thank @Josiah | Chad Dev and @KeshaV for introducing me to a large Dev group. It really has helped a lot to get some dev work done with people outside of our bubble.
Most of our collaboration with other partners is off-the-cuff through Twitter DMs, Telegram, or Discord. Sometimes it makes it difficult to coordinate, but it’s much better than what it used to be
With that said, we want to build on Opera, and we want to partner with several projects, as long as they make sense. We have and always will be open to collaboration. This also includes “Hey Lord Shiba can you help me with this?” or “What if we did this on our project, what’s your advice?”
So it’s both a give and take on our part
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
I see you typing away Golden :slight_smile:
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
he wants to say something, I know it!
Golden — 06/17/2021
Nothing much lol just each person we colab with is like a color of paint and as we add new colors (colabs) we get a better picture.
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
Is that a Paintswap shoutout? :stuck_out_tongue:
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
We want to make Opera beautiful! We’re just one part of the painting
Golden — 06/17/2021
Together we all make FTM better an safe for new users to feel comfortable trading.
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
Golden — 06/17/2021
Could be! Paint swap want to paint a picture with us? :heart:
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
See: Collaboration potentially happening in realtime. :slight_smile: @CheeseKnight | PS dev
On that note — we have time for one more question — this one comes from @deltic427 What’s your favorite videogame?
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
I feel I currently am required to say PacMan :wink:
But I grew up on NES and SNES, so your classic Zelda and Mario games, Battletoads… those were the best!
Golden — 06/17/2021
Battletoads that was a good forgot about it
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
I’m currently playing Darksiders Genesis and have to start the new Warhammer game soon!
Golden — 06/17/2021
For me OG Final Fantasy 7 ate a whole summer for me lol
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
I don’t get much time to play, but DM me and maybe we can play a bit on Steam!
vcc — 06/17/2021
im a little younger. so gta for me :laughing:
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
Ohhhh man when Aerith dies… Spoiler alert
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
Golden — 06/17/2021
Now you can find me playing Mario Kart with my kids
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
@vcc wen Final Fantasy Punks?
Golden — 06/17/2021
Cloud SHIBA!
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
vcc — 06/17/2021
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
On that note — it was great having you guys with us.
Would you mind dropping a discord link here so everyone can hop in the SHIBA discord and send you dank memes :slight_smile:
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
THANK YOU so much for being a wonderful host! Thank you @KeshaV for helping set this up!
vcc — 06/17/2021
Thank you everyone!
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
Catch us at and
Shiba Fantom
You can view and join @shibafantom right away.
Shiba Fantom (@ShibaFantom)
Shiba now on Fantom
And I am told the Waka Farm is (nearly) live! Go check them out at
WakaSwap — A next evolution DeFi exchange on Fantom (FTM)
The most popular AMM on FTM by user count!
vcc — 06/17/2021 :stuck_out_tongue:
ShibaPunks (@ShibaPunks)
The first ShibaPunks NFT.
Golden — 06/17/2021
Cheers! Thanks for having us! it was fun:wink:
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
We’ll get back to you in a bit with the AMA questions winners, but @deltic427 What’s your favorite videogame? wins my vote :slight_smile:
Jetthro — 06/17/2021
Nice! :slight_smile:
Lord Shiba Fantom — 06/17/2021
Thank you everyone! If I have not answered your question, see me on Telegram or Discord :slight_smile:
Love you all :heart:
Thanks for having us.